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Social and Emotional Development

Tips to Promote Social-Emotional Health Among Young Children

The American Academy of Pediatrics

This resource provides tips and resources for parents, early education and child care providers, and pediatricians to promote social-emotional health among young children.

W-2 Promoting Early Childhood Mental Health Through Policy Development

Project LAUNCH Training Institute
May 15, 2012 - 1:15pm - 3:15pm

Join a panel of presenters as they examine how Maryland built an early childhood system that promotes social-emotional competence and supports families and providers by strategically engaging both

Challenging Behavior and Expulsion From Child Care: The Role of Mental Health Consultation

Preschool children are being expelled from child care programs at an astonishing rate, often because of challenging behaviors such as aggression, tantrums, and noncompliance.

Sound Advice on Mental Health

Audio interviews with experts in children

Rural Minority Students: A Challenge For Assessments Personnel

A disproportionate number of minority students from rural areas are categorized as having learning disabilities, according to a recent study.

Challenges in the Implementation of Evidence-based Mental Health Practices for Birth-to-Five Year Olds and Their Families

This issue brief, co-authored by Patsy Hampton from CA Project LAUNCH, is the product of a day-long Think Tank with national leaders in evidence-based practice (EBP), program administrators, EBP de