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Changing Course: Preventing Gang Membership

National Institute of Justice

This report examines the reasons yout

Substance Abuse Prevention

sa_thumbnailPreventing  youth substance abuse requires a comprehensive approach that addresses a range of risk and protective factors.

Creating Supportive Environments that Promote Student Safety and Academic Achievement

A Snapshot of James A. Garfield High School, Los Angeles Unified School District

2013 Kids Count Data Book

Kids Count Data Center

This resource provides state and national data on 16 key indicators of child well-being across four domains--economics, education, health, and family & community--and state rankings.  Data on America's youngest children contribute to the ongoing conversation on the importance of early childhood education.


Mental Health Surveillance Among Children

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This first comprehensive report on children’s mental health in the United States describes federal efforts to monitor mental disorders in children aged 3-17.


A Climate for Academic Success: How School Climate Distinguishes Schools That Are Beating the Achievement Odds


This study compares the climate of a small group of secondary schools with unexpected success to that of other schools, including those that consistently underperform. The study looks specifically at school climate and school personnel resources to investigate how these two factors differ among successful, average, and underperforming schools. 


2012 Partnership Attitude Tracking Study: Teens and Parents

The Partnership at

This annual study tracks the elaborate and complex attitudes teens have towards drugs. It examines reasons why adolescents use drugs, and trends in the use of marijuana, alcohol and cigarettes, ecstasy, cocaine/crack, inhalants, methamphetamine, over-the-counter medicine, and prescription drugs, along with gender differences.

Report of the Attorney General

U.S. Department of Justice

This report presents the findings of the National Task Force on Children Exposed to Violence. It details 56 policy recommendations for reducing the impact of trauma on children who witness or experience violence.
