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A Day in the Life of American Adolescents

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

This report highlights the substance abuse behavior and addiction treatment activities that occur among adolescents on an average day.

Recess Rules: Why the Undervalued Playtime May Be America's Best Investment for Healthy Kids and Healthy Schools

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

This report analyzes several sources of data to identify where opportunities for increasing children's physical activity exist and to understand the factors that contribute to or impair efforts to

Tobacco: The Smoking Gun

The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University

This white paper discusses the dangerous effects of nicotine on the developing adolescent brain.

Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and Ethnic Minorities

U.S. Department of Education

This report examines the educational progress and challenges that racial and ethnic minorities face in the United States, including school enrollment trends, education outcomes, and rates of substa

Science-Based Framework for Early Childhood Policy: Using Evidence to Improve Outcomes in Learning, Behavior, and Health for Vulnerable Children

Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University

This report provides a framework to guide policymakers toward science-based policies that improve outcomes in learning, behavior, and health for vulnerable children.

Research Sheds Light on the Students Most at Risk of Dropping Out

Education Commission of the States

This article summarizes the findings of five recent studies that address: Early predictors for dropping out of school; 9th grade predictors of risk in an urban environment; school characteristics l

Prevention Education in America's Schools: Findings and Recommendations from a Survey of Educators

Join Together

This survey explores issues including how drug and alcohol education is taught in schools, what barriers teachers face in teaching prevention; and the types of training, support, and materials educ

Suicide Trends Among Youths and Young Adults Aged 10-24 Years

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

This report analyzes U.S. trends in suicide among persons aged 10-24 years, from 1990-2004.

Effectiveness of Universal School-Based Programs for the Prevention of Violent and Aggressive Behavior

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This report offers a systematic review of published scientific evidence concerning the effectiveness of universal school-based programs that reduce or prevent violent and aggressive behavior among

Protecting America's Future: A State-by-State Look at SCHIP and Uninsured Kids

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

This report presents a state-by-state analysis of children's and adolescents' access to health insurance and health care, including how that has changed since the State Children's Health Insurance