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Adolescent Health in the United States, 2007

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This report describes the health of the population 10

Economics of Early Childhood Policy

Rand Corporation

This paper summarizes the recent research from the field of economics that supports the cost-effectiveness of early childhood prevention programs.

Science and Success: Sex Education and Other Programs that Work to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections

Advocates for Youth

This report identifies effective programs to help young people reduce their risk for pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV.

Violence by Teenage Girls: Trends and Context

U.S. Department of Justice

This bulletin assesses trends of juvenile arrest rates for violent crimes, focusing on simple and aggravated assault.

A Mission Of The Heart: Leaders in High-Needs Districts Talk about What It Takes to Transform a School

The Wallace Foundation

This report contains observations and insights into effective leadership of high-needs schools.

Building Bridges: Mental Health Consumers and Representatives of the Disaster Response Community in Dialogue

US Department of Health and Human Services

Natural and manmade disasters have heightened awareness of the critical need to support effective mental health responses. This publication is based on a facilitated discussion between a group comprised of mental health consumers, policymakers, providers, and others involved in the disaster response community.

Towards a More Telling Way of Understanding Early School Leaving

The Institutes for Educational Research

This paper explores the pathway taken by students through withdrawal and disengagement towards leaving school early.

Effective Psychosocial Interventions for Youth with Behavioral and Emotional Needs

Hawaii Department of Health

This report provides a summary of a review of 322 studies on interventions, services, and medications for youth with significant emotional or behavioral needs.

Promotion and Prevention in Mental Health: Strengthening Parenting and Enhancing Child Resilience

US Department of Health and Human Services

This report to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education reviews the effectiveness of programs drawn from the National Registry of Effective Programs and Practices (NREPP) database that use a strength-based family approach to promoting mental wellness and preventing mental health problems among at-risk children and youth.