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Getting it Right: Strategies for After-School Success

Public/Private Ventures

This report has synthesized the last 10 years of findings from Public/Private Ventures

Community Schools: Working Towards Transformation

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

The reports explores the concept of community schools; the state of community schools, guiding frameworks for designing interventions at a community school; the process of school, family, and commu

Transforming School Improvement to Develop a Comprehensive System of Learning Supports: What District Superintendents Say They Need to Move Forward

Center for Mental Health in Schools

This report examines school district superintendents' awareness, interest, and suggestions related to the need to expand the focus of school improvement planning and implementation to include deve

Underage Alcohol Use: Findings From the 2002-2006 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This report analyzes the results of a survey of persons age 12-20 and the nature and scope of their drinking behavior as well as the social conditions under which they drank.

National Indian Education Study

U.S. Department of Education

This report presents information about the educational, home, and community experiences of American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) fourth- and eighth-grade.

Creating a Front Porch: Strategies for Improving Access to Mental Health Services

Research and Training Center for Children

This report shares results of interviews conducted with personnel from selected organizations and focuses on key practices that were reported to increase accessibility of mental health services for

Quantity and Frequency of Alcohol Use Among Underage Drinkers

Office of Applied Studies

This report looks at the results from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health concerning the frequency and quantity of alcohol use amongst 12-20 year olds.

Organized Communities, Stronger Schools: A Preview of Research Findings

Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University

This report presents the findings of a six-year study on the impact of community organizing for school reform on student outcomes.

Teen Marijuana Use Worsens Depression: An Analysis of Recent Data Shows "Self-Medicating" Could Actually Make Things Worse

Executive Office of the President

This report looks at recent data on teen marijuana abuse as “self-medication.” It provides statistics on marijuana use and links to depression and other mental illnesses, and also compares marijuana use between males and females, depressed teens and depressed adults, and depressed and non-depressed teenagers.

Best Practices to Address Community Gang Problems: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's (OJJDP) Comprehensive Gang Model

U.S. Department of Justice

This report (second edition) was written to provide communities that are considering implementing OJJDP's comprehensive gang model with critical information to inform and direct their efforts.