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Effective Strategies to Finance Family and Youth Partnerships

Louis de la Parte, Florida Mental Health Institute

This study examines financing strategies used by states, communities, and tribes to support the infrastructure, services, and supports that comprise systems of care.

Current-Generation Youth Programs: What Works, What Doesn't, and at What Cost?

RAND Corporation

This paper reviews the costs, benefits, and costs and benefits relative to one another for one alternative type of investment: youth programs that are offered during the time that students are not

Equality of Health for Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN): Contributing Factors and Help for Families and Communities

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This brief defines ethnicity and health disparities and identifies factors contributing to health disparities for ethnic minority children with CSHCN.

Improving the Distribution of Teachers in Low-Performing High Schools

Alliance for Excellent Education

This policy brief looks at teacher quality as a factor impacting student achievement and improving the disparity of quality teachers in lower-performing, poorer high schools.

Gaining a Voice After School: Why After-School Programs are a Powerful Resource for English Language Learners

Education Week

This article discusses the growing issue of English language learner (ELL) students and the benefits of after-school programs for their language development.

Effective Practices for Engaging At-Risk Youth in Service

Youth Service America

This guide of effective practices for engaging at-risk-youth in community service was designed for public officials, youth service and service-learning practitioners and teachers, and researchers.

Case Studies of System Implementation Issue Briefs

Research and Training Center for Children's Mental Health

This series of six briefs, based on findings from Case Studies of System Implementation, provides readers with a summary of lessons learned from established system of care communities.

Improving After-School Programs in a Climate of Accountability

Society for Research in Child Development

This research brief is a summary of a longer report, “After-School Programs and Academics: Implications for Policy, Practice, and Research,” that examines program evaluation literature, observational studies, and statements of program standards for after-school programs.

Summaries of Research on Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents and Their Families

Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

This DataTrends summary provides an overview of two brief articles that discuss the implementation of evidence-based practice.

Afterschool: The Bridge Connecting Schools and Communities

MetLife Foundation

Education reform efforts are placing a strong emphasis on strengthening schools, but schools are not the only place where students learn and grow.