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Building Public Early Childhood Data Systems for a Multi-Ethnic Society: Issues & Opportunities

As states are beginning to build longitudinal data systems, it is incumbent that states build systems in ways that recognize and value the diversity of their young child population and provide th

Promoting Culturally Competent Trauma-Informed Practices

This brief provides data on trauma exposure for youth across several demographic variables and explains the role of culture in trauma.

Understanding Children

U.S. Department of Justice

This issue brief describes core concepts

Homeless Shelters, Permanent/ Supportive Housing, and Transitional Housing

Safe Start Center

This issue brief offers homelessness services providers trauma-focused interventions that can be used to build the resilience and ensure the well-being of children and families exposed to violence.

Assessing Staff Relationships Among Out-of-School Time Program Practitioners

Child Trends

This brief looks at staff relationships among out-of-school time program practitioners as a potential indicator of program quality. It provides an overview of staff relationships; suggestions for how to incorporate relationship-building as a component of standard practice; and provides helpful tools to assess staff relationships.


Connecting Those at Risk to Care: A Guide to Building a Community "HUB" to Promote a System of Collaboration, Accountability, and Improved Outcomes

This guide was designed to inform and guide public and private efforts to identify and connect individuals within a community to appropriate health care and social services.

Systems of Care Programs That Serve Youth Involved With the Juvenile Justice System: Funding and Sustainability

This brief explores ways in which communities can financially sustain the efforts they have in place to meet the needs of children, youth, and young adults involved or at risk of involvement with t