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Young and Vulnerable: Children Five and Under Experience High Maltreatment Rates

Federal data on child maltreatment from the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System show that infants and children up to age 5 are disproportionately reported for abuse and neglect. While infants and children under age 5 represent 34 percent of the overall child population in the United States, in 2009, 40 percent of all children reported as victims of abuse or neglect were under age 5.


Leading an SEL School: Steps to implement social and emotional learning for all students

Education Development Center

Social and emotional learning (SEL) can play an important role in supporting the goals of the five core elements of Safe Schools, Healthy Students (SS/HS) Initiatives.

Highlights from Pathways to Desistance: A Longitudinal Study of Serious Adolescent Offenders

Office of Justice Programs

This fact sheet presents findings from a project that followed 1,354 serious juvenile offenders for 7 years after they had been adjudicated or convicted and examined the factors that caused these y

Treatment e-Book: How to Get the Right Help for your Child with an Alcohol or Drug Problem

Partnership For a Drug-Free America

This resource provides information to parents about adolescent and young-adult alcohol and other drug abuse treatment and helps parents get the most appropriate care for their child and family.

Intervention e-Book: What To Do If Your Child is Drinking or Using Drugs

Partnership For a Drug-Free America

This resource helps parents respond when they think or know their child is using alcohol or other drugs.

Parent Handbook on Child and Adolescent Depression


This handbook is a practical guide, written by parents for parents, with information and ideas on what to do if a child is suffering from depression. Many parents don't know the signs of depression or where to turn for help.


Learning, Teaching, and Leading in Healthy School Communities

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

This brief discusses the critical influence and role of the principal in organizing and leading the change process in the school community.

What Works for Home Visiting Programs

Child Trends

This fact sheet synthesizes the findings from 66 rigorous evaluations of programs with a home visiting component. The goal of this review was to identify programs that work as well as the intervention strategies that contribute to program success.

How Out-of-School Time Program Quality is Related to Adolescent Outcomes

Child Trends

This research brief examines the association between out-of-school time program quality and adolescent outcomes. It explores the hypothesis that adolescents in high-quality and safe programs tend to engage in fewer risky behaviors, to have greater social competency, and to have better school performance than adolescents not in a program.

Trauma Faced by Children of Military Families: What Every Policymaker Should Know

The National Center for Children in Poverty

This brief outlines the growing research documenting the negative impact on children, youth, and families of active U.S. military personnel.