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Mental Health Service Delivery

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) News

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This online resource is the national newsletter of the SAMHSA.

Mental Health of Adolescents: A National Profile, 2008

National Adolescent Health Information Center

This brief on adolescent mental health aims to inform health professionals, policymakers, educators, administrators, and school-based health centers concerned with the health and well-being of adol

Mental Health in School & School Improvement: Current Status, Concerns, and New Directions

Center for Mental Health in Schools

This online publication covers topics related to mental health in schools including the current state of the art, concerns about pursuing mental health in schools, advancing the field, and policy a

Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation: An Evaluation Tool Kit

This web-based toolkit provides a brief review of the literature and current research addressing the effectiveness of early childhood mental health consultation (ECMHC) along with guidance, tools,

Indian Country Child Trauma Center Web site

Center on Child Abuse and Neglect

This Web site contains trauma-related treatment protocols, outreach materials, and service delivery guidelines specifically adapted and designed for American Indian children and their families.

Reducing Disparities Beginning in Early Childhood

Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health

This fact sheet highlights national patterns of health and mental health disparities in early childhood, and provides recommendations for reducing these disparities.

A Blueprint for Change: Improving the System Response to Youth with Mental Health Needs Involved with the Juvenile Justice System

National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice

This research briefly discusses the Blueprint for Change model, which offers a framework for juvenile justice and mental health systems to use when developing strategies and policies aimed at impro

Children's Mental Health: An Overview and Key Considerations for Health System Stakeholders

National Institute for Health Care Management Research and Educational Foundation

This resource presents facts about current mental health services and key policy considerations for promoting and advancing comprehensive mental health systems for children and adolescents.

Quality Through Collaboration: The Future of Rural Health Care

Institute of Medicine

This book describes a strategy to address the quality challenges in rural communities.