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Child Maltreatment 2008

In this annual publication data on child abuse and neglect is presented in aggregate by state, and trends are reported when available.

Early Childhood Interventions: Proven Results, Future Promise

Rand Corporation

This report shows that well-designed programs for disadvantaged children age four and younger can produce economic benefits ranging from $1.80 to $17.07 for each dollar spent on the programs.

Measuring the Positives: Review of Positive Indicators and Guidelines for Their Use

University of California, San Francisco

This report includes a comprehensive review and analysis of approaches to measuring adolescent health, recommendations for use of indicators, and identifies pitfalls to avoid.

Mental Health Needs and Services for Youth in the Foster Care and Juvenile Justice Systems: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Resources

California State Library

This resource list provides information on the problem of youth in the foster care and juvenile justice systems with unmet mental health needs in California.

Proposition 36: Five Years Later

DC: Justice Policy Institute

Proposition 36 was a policy initiative adopted by California to divert individuals convicted of drug possession offences to mental health treatment instead of prison.

Teen Dating Violence: Facing the Epidemic

National Center for Victims of Crimes

This report discusses the issues surrounding teen dating violence, and the difficulties of addressing this problem. Alternative prevention, education, and counseling strategies must be utilized to work with victims and potential victims since teens are less likely to report dating violence.

Sexual Orientation and Adolescents.

American Academy of Pediatrics

This policy statement provides specific guidelines for pediatricians working with youth of differing sexual orientations. It reviews prevalence rates of homosexuality, special needs of homosexual and questioning youth, and guidelines for office practices that create a safe and supportive environment.


Closing the Achievement Gap: The Impact of Standards-based Education Reform on Student Performance

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights

This report examines the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act in Maryland and Virginia, and its goal of meeting the educational needs of low achieving students in the nation

Violence-Related Behaviors Among High School Students

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

This report summarizes data from the national Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) which examined changes in violence-related behaviors among high school students in the United States during 1991-2003

Evidence-Based Mental Health Treatments and Services: Examples to Inform Public Policy

Milbank Memorial Fund

This report discusses evidence-based programs for treatments and services for adults, children, and adolescents with severe mental disorders.