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Charting Progress for Babies Policy Framework

Center for Law and Social Policy, Zero to Three

This policy framework offers four fundamental principles as a basis for the supports that all babies and toddlers in child care need.

Supporting Growth and Development of Babies in Child Care: What Does the Research Say?

Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), Zero to Three

This brief outlines research to make the case that state policies can promote the quality and continuity of early childhood experiences and positively impact the healthy growth and development

Ensuring the Seventh Generation: A Youth Suicide Prevention Toolkit for Tribal Child Welfare Programs

National Indian Child Welfare Association

This toolkit is designed to educate tribal child welfare workers about the warning signs of suicide, risk and protective factors, suicide prevention and intervention methods, and when to seek profe

Could Youth Drug Use Be Making a Comeback?

Carnevale Associates

This policy brief examines recent indicators including youth attitudes about the dangers of drug use and youth disapproval rates that suggest that drug use among youth may be making a comeback.

Adolescents and Electronic Media: Growing Up Plugged In

Child Trends

This brief provides a concise overview of research relating electronic media to the health, social development, and educational outcomes of adolescents.

Preparing All Youth for Academic and Career Readiness: Implications for High School Policy and practice

National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth

This paper identifies the challenges in practice and policy for successful post-school outcomes and it offers recommendations on how states, local school districts, and individual high schools can

Family Routines and Relationships Strengthen Poor Families

Child Trends

This research brief analyzes data for more than 100,000 families from the 2003 National Survey of Children's Health to find the similarities and contrasts between poor and more affluent families.

Youth Connection

The Institute of Youth Development

The Institute for Youth Development initiates programs and activities focused on youth development and youth risk behavior prevention, and provides resources for parents, youth workers, teachers, c

Working Together to Help Youth Thrive in Schools and Communities

US Department of Health and Human Services

This report looked at the academic, behavioral, and emotional performance of youth involved in systems of care