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Cultural and Linguistic Competence

The Importance of Stakeholder Involvement

Esperanza del Pueblo
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

It was during the start-up phase of her YVPP grant that Patricia Chavez Anaya, project director for Esperanza del Pueblo, uncovered the nucleus of an idea to better serve the Latino community in Ok

Building Trust with Immigrant Families

Mid-Valley Providers Consortium, Educational District 105
Yakima, Washington

A Safe Schools/Healthy Students (SS/HS) project in Washington State is overcoming barriers to providing mental health services to immigrant children and families in a rural community.

Guide to Build Cultural Awareness: American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN)

US Department of Health and Human Services

This portable, pocket guide is designed to enhance cultural competence among service providers working in or coordinating services for AI/AN communities.

Relational Worldview Model

National Indian Child Welfare Association

The relational worldview model was developed by the National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA) in the 1980's and continues to be refined in practice by NICWA staff.

Series: Primers (for SAMSHA's Strategic Prevention Framework)

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This series consists of seven publications, each covering one element of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Strategic Prevention Framework.

Evidence-Based Practices and Multicultural Mental Health

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

As the mental health system moves toward the adoption of evidence-based practices (EBPs) in a push to improve quality, effectiveness, and accountability in mental health services, mental health car

Putting It All Together: Guiding Principles for Quality After-School Programs Serving Preteens

Public/Private Ventures

This report examines the literature and outlines a set of guiding principles for after-school programs serving preteens. It identifies six elements that are present in programs that are more likely to see positive outcomes in the emotional and behavioral health of their participants.

Leading Change: Resources for Principal Preparation and Professional Development

Coalition for Community Schools

This Web site contains research and tools on nine topics that will help principals and leaders in the community engage communities and families.

Screening and Assessing Immigrant and Refugee Youth in School-Based Mental Health Programs

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

This paper provides an overview of screening, identification, and assessment tools and processes that can be used by practitioners and researchers who care for immigrant and refugee youth. We focus particularly on those tools useful in school-based settings.

Equality of Health for Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN): Contributing Factors and Help for Families and Communities

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This brief defines ethnicity and health disparities and identifies factors contributing to health disparities for ethnic minority children with CSHCN.