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General Health Topics

Pediatrics Supplement

American Academy of Pediatrics

This supplement issue contains articles addressing the complex relationship between development and underage drinking.

Nutrition in Children and Adolescents Knowledge Path

Georgetown University

This is an electronic guide to recent resources that analyze data, describe public-awareness campaigns and other health-promotion programs, and report on research aimed at identifying promising str

Reducing Maternal Depression and Its Impact on Young Children: Toward a Responsive Early Childhood Policy Framework

National Center for Children in Poverty

This report provides an overview of why it is important to address maternal depression as a central part of the effort to ensure that all young children enter school ready to succeed.

A CDC Review of School Laws and Policies Concerning Child and Adolescent Health

American School Health Association

This review describes the breadth of health-related laws and policies under which schools operate.

Fact Sheet on Health Care Access and Utilization: Adolescents and Young Adults

National Adolescent Health Information Center

This fact sheet contains the most recent available data on health insurance coverage, preventive and other health services, and unmet need among adolescents and young adults ages 12

Repeat Teen Childbearing: Differences Across States and by Race and Ethnicity

Child Trends

This brief focuses on trends in the subset of teen births that are repeat births, occurring to women who have already had a child. The brief is based on data gathered and disseminated by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), presenting national- and state-level birth statistics for females age 15–19.

School Health Policies and Programs Study

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This Web site provides information on the 2006 School Health Policies and Program Study (SHPSS), a national survey that assesses school health policies and practices at the state, district, school,

Reframing School Dropout as a Public Health Issue

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

This article summarizes knowledge on the link between health and high school graduation and discusses the pathways by which graduating from high school contributes to good health.

Recess Rules: Why the Undervalued Playtime May Be America's Best Investment for Healthy Kids and Healthy Schools

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

This report analyzes several sources of data to identify where opportunities for increasing children's physical activity exist and to understand the factors that contribute to or impair efforts to

What Helps in Providing Contraceptive Services for Teens

The National Campaign

This monograph, based on a review of twelve recent studies of adolescent clinics, presents an overview of what is known about clinic interventions that help prevent adolescent pregnancy.