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Logic Models

Center for Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement Web site

U.S. Department of Justice

This Web site provides resources for state and local agencies for planning and implementing program evaluations and for developing and collecting program performance measures to measure program per

Finalizing Your Logic Model and Evaluation Plan: Strategies for Success

SS/HS Evaluation Conference (FY 2009)
January 14, 2010 - 9:30am - 10:15am

This session briefly reviews the SS/HS Logic Model and Evaluation Plan templates that grantees will be working on during this morning's breakout session. The presenter will call attention to the relationship between these two documents and draw from the experience of previous cohorts to identify strategies for success.

Project LAUNCH 2008 New Grantee Conference

November 13, 2008
Rockville, MD

This first conference for the 2008 Project LAUNCH grantees aimed for them to understand the goals of and vision for the Project LAUNCH initiative; learn about federal requirements for Project LAUNC

Grantee-Specific Evaluation

Grantees design and carry out evaluation activities to assess the implementation of their Project LAUNCH projects and to determine the outcomes associated with project activities within their states, tribes, communities, and the District of Columbia.

Theory-Based Evaluation of a Comprehensive Latino Education Initiative: An Interactive Evaluation Approach.

Research and Training Center for Children's Mental Health

This article provides an example of a theory-based approach to building a logic model to increase Latino student access to higher education.

Innovation Network

This organization offers program planning and evaluation consulting, training, and Web-based tools to nonprofit organizations to improve program effectiveness, better serve communities, and communi

Logic Model Development Guide

W.K. Kellogg Foundation

This guide addresses the needs of nonprofits to demonstrate the effectiveness of their programs through outcome-oriented project evaluation and provides an orientation to the underlying principles

Safe Schools/Healthy Students Grantee Training Meeting 2005

December 01, 2005
Washington, D.C.

2005 Safe Schools/Healthy Students grantees as well as newly assigned Project Directors of existing 2003 and 2004 SS/HS sites met with Federal Project Officers and the Technical Assistance teams at this training meeting.

Safe Schools/Healthy Students Evaluation and Technical Assistance Workshop

March 01, 2006
Washington, D.C.

2005 SS/HS Project Directors and local evaluators were invited to this workshop, which focused on logic model and evaluation plan development.

Logic Model Refinement

Date/Time (ET): 
September 10, 2009 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm

SS/HS grantees are required to submit a final implementation logic model as part of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOA).