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Working with Evaluators

Framework for Effectively Implementing Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (EBPs)

Education Development Center

The National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention has created a Web-based “Framework for Effectively Implementing Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (EBPs)&rdqu

Making Use of Evaluation Data

Early Childhood 2010: Innovation for the Next Generation (Cohort I & II)
August 5, 2010 - 11:00am - 12:15pm

State teams focused on the dynamics and interaction between Project LAUNCH evaluators, project directors, and staff including the potential ways evaluators can work with program staff to implement

Can This Relationship Be Saved? Or: what to do when things aren

Project Director Consortia March 2010
March 16, 2010 - 1:00pm - 2:15pm

During the SSHS grant years one of the closest relationships a PD has is the one with the local evaluator.

The Evaluation Center at Western Michigan University Web site

Western Michigan University

This Web site provides a wide range of tools and resources on evaluation including publications, bibliographies, and glossaries of evaluation terms.

Center for Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement Web site

U.S. Department of Justice

This Web site provides resources for state and local agencies for planning and implementing program evaluations and for developing and collecting program performance measures to measure program per

Project LAUNCH 2008 New Grantee Conference

November 13, 2008
Rockville, MD

This first conference for the 2008 Project LAUNCH grantees aimed for them to understand the goals of and vision for the Project LAUNCH initiative; learn about federal requirements for Project LAUNC

Strategic Use of Evaluation

Fresno Unified School District
Fresno, California

Think evaluation is best saved for measuring outcomes?

National Cross-Site Evaluation

The cross-site evaluation (CSE) synthesizes evaluation findings across all Project LAUNCH grant sites to assess overall Project LAUNCH implementation at the state, community, and tribal levels, as well as outcomes for children, families, and systems.

The CSE addresses three over-arching evaluation questions linking the strategies and goals of Project LAUNCH:

Grantee-Specific Evaluation

Grantees design and carry out evaluation activities to assess the implementation of their Project LAUNCH projects and to determine the outcomes associated with project activities within their states, tribes, communities, and the District of Columbia.

Mobilizing for Evidence-Based Character Education

U.S. Department of Education

This evaluation guide offers strategies for working with external evaluators and key stakeholders in planning and implementing a scientifically sound evaluation for character education intervention