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Education Policy

Parents' Guide to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act: Rights Regarding Children's Education Records

U.S. Department of Education

This brochure provides parents answers to commonly asked questions about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). It explains parents’ rights to their child’s educational records as well as which disclosures schools are allowed to make.

Balancing Student Privacy and School Safety: A Guide to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act for Elementary and Secondary Schools

U.S. Department of Education

This brochure aims to help school officials better understand the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) so that they can act decisively and quickly when safety issues arise.

Berkeley Unified School District

Berkeley Unified School District

This policy statement, developed by the Berkeley Unified School District in California,outlines a comprehensive system for addressing barriers to learning and teaching.

A CDC Review of School Laws and Policies Concerning Child and Adolescent Health

American School Health Association

This review describes the breadth of health-related laws and policies under which schools operate.

Evaluating Comprehensive School Reform Models at Scale: Focus on Implementation

RAND Corporation

This study examines comprehensive school reform and its level of implementation and effect on student achievement.

The Fordham Report 2006: How Well Are States Educating Our Neediest Children?

Thomas B. Fordham Institute

This report appraises each state according to thirty indicators across three major categories: student achievement for low-income, African-American, and Hispanic students; achievement trends for th

What Works Clearinghouse

U.S. Department of Education

This Web site serves as a clearinghouse for studies of effectiveness of educational interventions, including programs, products, practices, and policies.

National Education Association's (NEA) Plan for Reducing School Dropout Rates

NEA has developed 12 action steps to address the nation's school dropout crisis based upon promising research and a wide range of experience and data.

American Indian and Alaska Native Suicide Prevention Web site

Indian Health Service, U.S. Department of Health

This Web site provides American Indian and Alaska Native communities with culturally appropriate information about best and promising practices, training opportunities, and other relevant informati