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Demographic Data


U.S. Government Printing Office

This report provides an accessible collection of well-being indicators from official statistics across topics.

Approaches to Dropout Prevention: Heeding Early Warning Signs with Appropriate Interventions

National High School Center at the American Institutes for Research

This report discusses effective ways in which school systems can focus their dropout prevention efforts.

Mental Health Service Use Among Youths Aged 12 to 17: 2005 and 2006

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

This report brief summarizes data on the use of youth mental health services from the 2005 and 2006 surveys, addressing differences in age, gender, and service setting.

Public School Graduates and Dropouts from the Common Core of Data: School Year 2006

U.S. Department of Education

This report presents the number of high school graduates, the Averaged Freshman Graduation Rate, and dropout data for grades 9 through 12 for public schools in school year 2006

Underage Alcohol Use: Findings From the 2002-2006 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This report analyzes the results of a survey of persons age 12-20 and the nature and scope of their drinking behavior as well as the social conditions under which they drank.

Quantity and Frequency of Alcohol Use Among Underage Drinkers

Office of Applied Studies

This report looks at the results from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health concerning the frequency and quantity of alcohol use amongst 12-20 year olds.

Equality of Health for Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN): Contributing Factors and Help for Families and Communities

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This brief defines ethnicity and health disparities and identifies factors contributing to health disparities for ethnic minority children with CSHCN.

Teen Marijuana Use Worsens Depression: An Analysis of Recent Data Shows "Self-Medicating" Could Actually Make Things Worse

Executive Office of the President

This report looks at recent data on teen marijuana abuse as “self-medication.” It provides statistics on marijuana use and links to depression and other mental illnesses, and also compares marijuana use between males and females, depressed teens and depressed adults, and depressed and non-depressed teenagers.

Future of Children: Children and Electronic Media

The Woodrow Wilson School Of Public And International Affairs

This journal features nine articles on the most common forms of electronic media in use today and their influence on the well-being of children and adolescents.

Parent Awareness of Youth Use of Cigarettes, Alcohol, and Marijuana

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This report using data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health examines parent awareness of youth use of cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana.