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Demographic Data

Adolescent Health in the United States, 2007

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This report describes the health of the population 10

Violence by Teenage Girls: Trends and Context

U.S. Department of Justice

This bulletin assesses trends of juvenile arrest rates for violent crimes, focusing on simple and aggravated assault.

Report Card on Comprehensive Equality: Racial Gaps in the Nation

The Campaign for Educational Equity, Teachers College, Columbia University

This report details the performance gap between black and white youths in United States schools.

Inhalant Use across the Adolescent Years

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This report focuses on variations in inhalant use among adolescents aged 12 to 17.

Afterschool Investments Project

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

To support State efforts to provide quality afterschool opportunities, the Child Care Bureau awarded a technical assistance contract on out-of-school time to The Finance Project.

Petitioned Status Offense Cases in Juvenile Courts, 2004

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

This fact sheet discusses petitioned status offense (acts that are considered illegal only when juveniles commit them) cases in five major categories: running away, truancy, curfew law violations,

Drug Offense Cases in Juvenile Courts, 1985

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

This fact sheet provides data on juvenile delinquency cases involving drug offenses handled between 1985 and 2004 by U.S. courts with juvenile jurisdiction.

When Girls Don't Graduate We All Fail: A Call to Improve High School Graduation Rates for Girls

National Women's Law Center

This report provides information on female students who do not complete high school.

The Nation's Report Card

U.S. Department of Education

This Web site contains information about the Nation

Repeat Teen Childbearing: Differences Across States and by Race and Ethnicity

Child Trends

This brief focuses on trends in the subset of teen births that are repeat births, occurring to women who have already had a child. The brief is based on data gathered and disseminated by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), presenting national- and state-level birth statistics for females age 15–19.