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Web Site

Substance Use Fact Sheet on Adolescents and Young Adults

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This website houses a collection of fact sheets and briefs that report adolescent health data. Topics include mental health, substance use, reproductive health, and violence.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) News

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This online resource is the national newsletter of the SAMHSA.

Stop Underage Drinking: A Portal of Federal Resources

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This Web site is a comprehensive portal of Federal resources for information on underage drinking and ideas for combating this issue.

Juvenile Justice Connection

U.S. Department of Justice

This blog was established to facilitate the exchange of information among juvenile justice professionals.

Afterschool Investments Project

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

To support State efforts to provide quality afterschool opportunities, the Child Care Bureau awarded a technical assistance contract on out-of-school time to The Finance Project.

Evidence-Based Behavioral Practice

Evidence-Based Behavioral Practice

The project creates training resources to help bridge the gap between behavioral health research and practice.

Community Guide to Helping America's Youth

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This online resource aims to help communities build partnerships, assess their needs and resources, and choose a program design that can be replicated in their community.

Mental Health in School & School Improvement: Current Status, Concerns, and New Directions

Center for Mental Health in Schools

This online publication covers topics related to mental health in schools including the current state of the art, concerns about pursuing mental health in schools, advancing the field, and policy a

Mobilizing for Evidence-Based Character Education

U.S. Department of Education

This evaluation guide offers strategies for working with external evaluators and key stakeholders in planning and implementing a scientifically sound evaluation for character education intervention

National Research Center on Learning Disabilities

U.S. Office of Special Education Programs

The National Research Center on Learning Disabilities (NRCLD) is designed to help educators, policymakers, and parents understand the complexity and importance of making sound decisions regarding