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Sustainability and Financing

Fee-for-Service: One Grantee's Roadmap for Sustainability

Annette Klinefelter; Girls' Initiative Network
Portland, Oregon

Early in her two-year YVPP grant cycle, Annette Klinefelter, executive director of the Girls' Initiative Network (GIN), began thinking of ways to maintain and expand Girls' Empowerment Group progra

Using a Survey to Promote Collaboration, Solve Problems, and Sustain Your Program Activities

Willa Farrell, project director
Hyde Park, Vermont

The Lamoille North Safe Schools/Healthy Students project in Hyde Park, Vermont used a "perception survey" to identify and solve problems, reinforce the working relationship upon which an effective

Sustainability Planning Right From the Start

Nancy Kelly, Project Director
Utica, NY

Not only is the Utica (New York) Safe Schools Healthy Students Partnership going strong one year after its Federal funding ended, but 32 of the 35 programs initiated under the Federal grant are still operating.


Partnerships in Prevention Science Institute

This PowerPoint presentation demonstrates how investing in addiction prevention programs can yield a 10-1 return for society.

Scope, scale, and sustainability: What it takes to create lasting community change

Association for the Study and Development of Community

This study examines 11 comprehensive community initiatives to better understand how these complex efforts can reach the scope, scale, and sustainability needed to achieve lasting community change.

Blueprint for Change: Funding Mental Health Services for Youth in Contact with the Juvenile Justice System

National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice Policy Research Associates, Inc.

This paper reports on the results of a survey that was conducted of promising programs that provide mental health services to youth involved in the juvenile justice system, to find out how these programs were funded.

Series: Primers (for SAMSHA's Strategic Prevention Framework)

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This series consists of seven publications, each covering one element of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Strategic Prevention Framework.

Effective Strategies to Finance Family and Youth Partnerships

Louis de la Parte, Florida Mental Health Institute

This study examines financing strategies used by states, communities, and tribes to support the infrastructure, services, and supports that comprise systems of care.

Understanding the State of Knowledge of Youth Engagement Financing and Sustainability

The Finance Project

This report provides critical information on the costs, funding sources, financing strategies and sustainability of youth engagement.

Sustaining Grassroots Community-Based Programs: A Toolkit for Community- and Faith-Based Service Providers

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

This toolkit is designed to help grassroots community and faith-based treatment and recovery providers plan for long-term survival.