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Using a Survey to Promote Collaboration, Solve Problems, and Sustain Your Program Activities

Willa Farrell, project director
Hyde Park, Vermont

The Lamoille North Safe Schools/Healthy Students project in Hyde Park, Vermont used a "perception survey" to identify and solve problems, reinforce the working relationship upon which an effective collaboration depends, and further discussions toward sustaining the work of a program after its funding has expired.

One of the key goals of the Lamoille North project is to increase case coordination among schools and community agencies. Lamoille North used the perception survey to gauge how well its school and community partners worked together and to inform efforts to strengthen these relationships. The survey also captured information about staff flexibility, problem-solving capacity, and information sharing. The survey was completed by staff members from nine schools and nine community organizations, including a mental health center, child welfare agency, and a court diversion program. The results were discussed at meetings of the SSHS Executive Steering Committee, the SSHS Operations Committee, and the Lamoille North Community Resource Team, and disseminated to all participants as well as the other members of the coalition.

Lamoille North Project Director Willa Farrell reported that the respondents "generally reported favorably on how schools and community agencies work together." For example, the majority believed that staff members from other organizations communicate clearly and respectfully. However, some of the results indicated that there were problems that needed to be solved. Less than 25 percent of the respondents felt that the agencies and schools had adequate staffing to support collaboration or delivered services in a timely fashion. The survey also revealed a problem with the ability of case managers from the schools and agencies to deliver a coordinated case plan. These problems will be addressed by the Lead Service Coordinator, a position which will be funded next school year by carryover from the SS/HS grant and a contribution from the Morrisville District of the Vermont Agency of Human Services. The coalition is currently involved in a creating a long-range plan to sustain this position.

Ms. Farrell reported that the survey "kept the issue of collaboration a visible priority