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Misuse of Over-the-Counter Cough and Cold Medications among Persons Aged 12 to 25

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Office of Applied Studies
US Department of Health and Human Services
Date Published: 
January, 2008

Based on the 2006 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), this brief provides data on the prevalence and patterns of use of over-the-counter (nonprescription) cough and cold medicines to get high among people ages 12 to 25. It also examines the specific OTC cough and cold medicines that were most commonly misused that year and the use of selected illicit drugs among persons who misused OTC cough and cold medicines in their lifetime.

Download a copy of Misuse of Over-the-Counter Cough and Cold Meidcations among Persons Aged 12 to 25 (PDF, 250.87 KB) from the SAMHSA Web site.