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Mental Health/Health Care Providers

Children's Needs in Disaster Situations


A disaster is frightening to everyone.

Parent's Guide for Helping Children in the Wake of Disaster

National Center for Children Exposed to Violence

These guidelines were developed to help caregivers identify and address signs of adjustment difficulties in children who were not directly impacted by Hurricane Katrina.

Supporting Children and Youth During the Holidays in Times of Stress

National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention

For many of us, the holiday times are an exciting and joyful period.

Children, Teens, and Resiliency

American Academy of Pediatrics

This website provides insight, guidance, and advice to help teens and families cope with the pressures of day-to-day life.

Building Resiliency in Children

Michael G. Conner, Psy.D,

Whether you realize this or not, you may be helping your children to become resilient.

Building Resiliency: Helping Children Learn to Weather Tough Times

National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)

Adversity is a natural part of life. At some point, we all face difficulties, such as family problems, serious illness, a personal crisis, or a painful loss.

Children and Resiliency

Linda Goldman

This website provides signs of a resilient child and activities to promote resiliency in children.

Resilience Research in Children

University of Pennsylvania Positive Psychology Center

The Penn Resiliency Program (PRP), designed by our research team, is a group intervention for late elementary and middle school students.

Fostering Resilience in Children


This brief provides an overview of the nature of resilience, and looks at the importance of caring relationships, high expectations, and opportunities for participation.

Promoting Resilience in Children: What Parents Can Do

Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice

This brief identifies factors that may contribute to academic failure and behavioral problems (risk factors), as well as factors that help promote resiliency (protective factors).