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Organizational Structure

Initiative has a culturally and linguistically competent organizational structure

This benchmark is organized by implementation levels (low, medium, and full). Each level corresponds with a list of suggested resources on the right.

Low Implementation

  • PD is aware of differences between staff demographics and community.
  • PD and partners lack specific strategies to attract diverse staff.
  • Internal policies and procedures have not been reviewed for their support of diverse staff.
  • Decision making and planning tends to be centralized with the PD and a few key staff.
  • Professional development does not address cultural competence in depth.

Medium Implementation

  • Core management group includes representatives from various cultural groups.
  • The PD and the core team identify the importance of CLC.
  • Staff recruitment utilizes a range of strategies to reach diverse audiences.
  • Professional development includes a CLC framework for all training; clinicians and other service providers receive cultural competence training as needed.
  • Ad hoc advisory groups are used to gather community input in planning.

Full Implementation

  • Staff reflects the community and is culturally competent; diversity is represented on all levels including leadership.
  • Initiative promotes the norm of attention to cultural differences in written materials, policies, and structures.
  • Leadership demonstrates acceptance and respect for all.
  • Decision making and planning processes are inclusive of a range of staff and stakeholders.
  • Budget reflects commitment to CLC.
  • Evaluation, strategic, and sustainability plans all reflect cultural competence.